Er. Deepak Mathur
Salman Khan
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) throttle, braking control, steering control
Advanced applications that don't really contain intelligence, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) seek to offer novel services related to various
transport networks and traffic control, allowing different users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and "smarter" use of them. Highway transport is essential to contemporary industrialized countries. Most peak-hour driving on highways is slowed to less than 60 kilometres per hour due to heavy usage on the main roadways around the major cities. Every year, excessive traffic wastes countless gallons of gasoline increases exhaust emissions needlessly and delays more than five billion hours. Making driving less stressful and accident-prone, particularly on lengthy trips, is the goal of this article. One method to do this is by creating a highway.
International Journal of Recent Research and Review
ISSN: 2277-8322
Vol. XVII, Issue 4
December 2024
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December 2024
Vol. XVII, Issue 4