Er. Dinesh Kumar Sharma
Er. Deepak Mathur
tabilizations, Stability, Cementitious substance, Chemical additive, Geosynthetic material, Geogrid, Bearing capability (CBR)
Soil stabilization refers to the process of enhancing the engineering qualities of soil and improving its stability. Soil stabilization is necessary when the building soil is unsuitable for its intended use. Stabilization, in its most comprehensive definition, comprises a variety of analogous processes, including as compaction, pre-consolidation, drainage, and several others. Nevertheless, the word "stabilization" usually refers to acts that specifically modify the physical composition of the soil in order to improve its characteristics. In order to achieve soil stabilization, a cementitious substance or chemical additive is used, or alternatively, geosynthetic materials are employed. Additionally, it can be utilized to improve the load-bearing capability of the soil on which a foundation is built. Soil stabilization is primarily employed to enhance the inherent qualities of natural soil in the building of highways and embankments.
Geogrid has been utilized to enhance the load-bearing ability of black cotton soil. Various experiments have been conducted to determine Atterberg's limits, free swell index, maximum dry density, optimal moisture content, and CBR value test. These trials involved the use of partial replacement of marble dust. The optimum content of marble dust was determined based on the results of the CBR test.
Geogrid is now incorporated into a soil-marble dust mixture at various levels and tested to determine the CBR value. After conducting a 4-day soaking CBR test, it was determined that the greatest CBR value is reached at a height of 0.2H from the top of the mould.
Following are the findings from this study-
I. Optimum percentage of marble dust is obtained as 17% which increase the CBR value from 4% to 7.9%.
II. Geogrid placement at 0.2H height from the top of the CBR mould increases the CBR Value of soil & Marble dust mix from 7.9% to 18.4%.

International Journal of Recent Research and Review
ISSN: 2277-8322
Vol. XVII, Issue 3
September 2024
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September 2024
Vol. XVII, Issue 3